Sunday, February 23, 2020

Employability Skills in Improving Quality of Performance Essay

Employability Skills in Improving Quality of Performance - Essay Example Therefore, team role is â€Å"an inclination to behave, contribute and interrelate with other people in a particular way†, and it measures behavior rather than individuals personally (Belbin 2011). Therefore, we can guarantee that we can use our strengths to our advantage, by discovering our team roles to assist us to manage our weak points. According to Belbin (1981, cited in select knowledge 2001 p.32), there are nine team roles which individuals prefer to assume or avoid when required by circumstances. These team roles consist of Resource Investigator, Coordinator, Monitor Evaluator Team workers, Plant, Implementer, Shaper, Specialist, and Completer Finisher (Belbin 2011). I have experienced some of these roles in my high school study team and in other various tasks; I have done with friends during previous engagements. Some of them relate to my team members and others to me. The first role is the plant, which consists of people who are highly creative, who innovate and inv ent methods or technique. These people through innovation provide the foundation in which ideas develop in the team (Belbin 2011). These people have a character of alienating themselves from the rest of the team so that they can concentrate on their imaginative thinking. They have a personality of being introverts and are self-centered and would have strong reactions to both criticism and praise. This is because they are normally original in their ideas and being introverts, they have a weakness in communicating with other team members (Belbin 2011). In team roles, plants have an important role to play in teams because their main function is generating new ideas and techniques to assist the team to solve complex problems (select knowledge 2001). For example, in a study group that we had formed with friends in high school, we used to do group assignments as a team. One team member, Denis, was good at doing research in some of the assignment topics, but he could not explain the findin gs verbally although he wrote and analyzed them properly. In my opinion, his role in our team would fit as a plant because of his originality in presentations that helped our team to produce high quality and scored high points in our assignments. The second team role as suggested by Belbin is the resource investigators (select knowledge 2001 p. 32). They can be said to have some opposite characteristics of the plants because they are extroverts and often enthusiastic. In this role, Hogan (2007 p.65) also highlights that resource investigator are good in communicating and negotiating with people both inside and outside their teams. Notably, they are also good in accommodating ideas from other people and developing those ideas to accomplish team goals, this is due to their investigative characteristics and willingness to utilize new possibilities in those ideas. Resource Investigators have a very important function in the team as Belbin suggest, they are hence the best people to be us ed for setting up contacts with people outside the team because of their extrovert’s personality. This would, therefore, help the team to achieve their shared goals. In my teamwork experience, I would relate my personal team role as a resource investigator because; I would ensure that the team members worked cohesively.

Friday, February 7, 2020

The psycology of Love Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

The psycology of Love - Research Paper Example Nonetheless, even this basic concept takes in an extensive spectrum ranging from passion, intimate romantic love to the platonic love or the close, emotional non-sexual familial love that one may feel for a friend . Something about love that has been a subject of recurrent debate is its nature, although by determining what love is not, one can clarify various aspects. Frequently, love is contrasted with hate, the latter being the most extreme. All the same, when focusing on the contrast between an emotionally intimate and a sexual form of romantic attachment, the difference in consideration is between love and lust. Various Western authorities classify love into two main categories namely the narcissistic and the altruistic. In his work, exploring the definitions of love and evil through applied psychology, , who , defines love as a combination of simple narcissism and ‘the will to extend one's self with the aim of nurturing another's or one's own spiritual growth’ repre sents this view. He adds that by combining these, love is perceived to be an activity rather than a feeling. Different theories of love, according to researchers and psychologists exist. These theories explain love, emotional attachment and liking. Triangular Theory of Love Robert J. Sternberg developed the Triangular Theory of Love. Robert J. Sternberg developed the Triangular Theory of Love. He was a Tufts University’s psychologist and according to his theory, passion, commitment and intimacy are the three elements that encompass any instance of an interpersonal association. Passion refers to conditions of physiological and emotional arousal. It includes physical attraction and sexual arousal in addition to other types of strong emotional experiences. Passion is the most common love form and is evident in both infatuation as well as romantic love. Infatuation results when passion alone rules – it is an almost wanton physical desire. Commitment on the other hand invol ves a resolution to commit to love the other and endeavoring to uphold that love over time. It is based on the prospect that the relationship is permanent. Intimacy is defined as two people sharing their personal lives’ details and confidences, generally illustrated within romantic love affairs and friendships it involves emotional support closeness and caring. In all love forms, changing levels of all three of these components are supposedly evident (Reddy, 2011 and Cohen, 2011). Different types of love result from different combinations of passion, commitment and intimacy. For instance, a combination of intimacy and passion brings about passionate love whereas a combination of commitment and intimacy brings about compassionate love (Cherry, 2005). Cherry (2005) adds that according to Sternberg, in contrast to relationships based upon only one component, relationships built on two or more elements are more lasting. To describe a blend of commitment, passion, and intimacy, St ernberg (1986) uses the phrase consummate love. He suggests that this type of love is the most enduring and the strongest. However, it is not common. According to Sternberg (1986), ‘consummate love’ is an equal relationship with all the three elements. Generally, people strive after this ideal. All the other six love forms bring out one or two of the points predominating on the triangle. These can be categorized into complex or simple permutations –